Monday 27 October 2008

2. Connection

A connection opens; I find myself governed by symbols, governed by the moon as thy harbinger tonight, o universe, o one that is what is. And when we make eye contact, two whirling galaxies meet, you into eye and I into you; we swap roles and shift smoothly into (non)communication in shimmering languages without alphabets, they and us each moment made and remade.

As hieroglyphs we met once (and will again), as runes and as brushstrokes, as algebra and by chemical reaction we spell out the unspoken name of thought.

The great coincidence of matter; in rocks and plants you reflect me, revealing the everlasting dance of energy that joins us forever together.

Over rooftops I seek you and down blind alleys you elude me, disappearing without effort... Onwards, then; into car parks and forests, atop scaffolding and trees, from mountain top to underpass and from future to past, we creep stealthily only to scream with abandon, we discover and rediscover our love for each other.

I go joyously anywhere with you, o one, toward the realisation of union.

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